Wednesday, January 30, 2008

12:45pm PST, Sutter Street, San Francisco

My hair is a catastrophe. It's been over four months since I've had it cut. So I'm taking the opportunity to go and get a chop. The gay concierge told me to go to Vidal Sassoon downtown. He had nice hair so why not?

They set me up with Nicole. Nicole is from Michigan and just as pleasant as can be. I told her what I needed: total wash-n-go. I don't use product. I don't own a blow dryer. And I'll be damned if I'm gonna keep a brush. She accepted the mission and went at it.

I'm not going to lie to you. This was an expensive haircut. And Nicole was such a warm, unaffected presence that I gave her a large tip. Like Benjamin Franklin may have been involved. But it felt good. She never engaged in patter or small talk. She asked real questions and never let me off the hook on a pat answer. It was like having your girlfriend cut your hair. What can I tell you; traveling turns me into a softie.

Anyway, that's her there on the far right in the white sweater.

After the haircut I ran down Sutter, made a left on Kearny and ducked into Walgreens. I bought an umbrella. Then I made a left on Kearny, crossed Sutter and ducked into this place called "Boxed Foods." Nicole said they make a mean panini and I was totally in the mood to trust her. I did (trust her). They did (make a mean panini).

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