Julia was the first Russian I met nearly four months ago. She was my way in. Now she won't say good bye because she knows I will come back. Tonight, on the eve of my return to America, Julia, Sasha Kapustina and I went out for sushi.
Sushi here is a relatively new thing and is not quite up to Western standards. Still, sitting across from two beautiful Russian girls, they could serve up a fish bone on cabbage and I would devour it like it was the very nectar of the gods.
Unfortunately, not far into our meal, Sasha had to leave owing to some personal business. I finished the evening with Julia over her two cappuccino and my two scoops of ice cream. Julia may have Ukrainian blood flowing through her veins but she is an uncloseted American. She will go as far as she wants. I suspect that may be as far as the U.S.
Finally, I will always be grateful to my blood brother, Marius, for bringing me here. His generosity, wit, trust and friendship is something I will always honor.
And so I want to say to all the remarkable people I have been blessed to call my friends, paka, I'll see you soon.
photo credit: somebody else
From Fish in A Blanket to a fishbone on a cabbage, my, my, my....What a fabulous experience.
we LOVED reading your blog!
We had great fun reading every post and comment.
This should be made into a movie....
Welcome home, comrad!
Dan and Jocelyn
Thanks D & J -- You know what was amazing -- when I was at Sheremteyvo (or however you spell that damned airport) my Aeroflot "flight" was delayed six hours while they scrounged up a plane that could make it all the way to America. In any case, while waiting I befriended a SoCal couple who were just returning to the U.S. with their new just-adopted Russian baby daughter. I told them all about you guys. Guess gettin' yourself a Russian kid is all the rage now!
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