Monday, February 11, 2008

Masha Agonistes

This movie is going to come out April 16 come Hell or high water. Lucy (yes, you, Russian Lucy, friend of J) -- have you heard that expression? Come Hell of high water? It's an expression originating in the American southwest. Basically it means that something is going to happen no matter what and nothing can stop it.

Anyway, there's now a rumor that HITLER KAPUT! may need to come out a week earlier. On April 10. April 16 was impossible. The 10th, well there's hardly anything to be said about that.

Most of this falls on Masha's shoulders. She is trying to get the movie finished as well as get a trailer in the theaters in a couple of weeks. Thank god she knows what she's doing.

Coming up: An Excursion...

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